Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Andrea's Visit!

Andrea finally visits after 3 years!

At Playa Hermosa, with my chica hermosa!

We took her to Boquete for a night and visited Jungla Rescue Center:
(PS These will be the last pics you see of this place. There were so few animals they tried to pass of a few dogs, chickens and a bunny as part of the tour!) I did however really enjoy the Spectacled Owl, as for the Macaw, not so much. This is probably the one breed of bird I actually don't want to love on, I am bit attached to all 10 digits!

New Year's Eve: On the way back down the mountain, we stopped for a swim at the canyons, it was a short visit though, we needed to get home and rest up for the big night we had planned.

Later that evening we met up with some friends in Boca Chica and had a nice dinner. We took a boat taxi after that over to the Tiki Bar at Seagull Cove Resort, then to the island of Boca Brava for drinks. Shortly before midnight we headed back to the main land for the celebration.
A Panamanian New Year's tradition is to burn a muñeco, a life size mannequin. 2 pics above
Depending on who's telling the story, this bizarre tradition is symbolic of saying goodbye to the old year, or often times  they're made to resemble people they wish not to see in the new year.
They're made and stuffed with explosives to be displayed in front of homes throughout December until they are ultimately burned into effigy  at the stroke of midnight New Year's Eve.

Another tradition: The beach!! They line up their cars just beyond the high tide line, set up tents and stay for days! And will continue doing so every weekend through February (our summer time,) Usually when I go, I'm the only person around so this looks like Daytona Beach to me!

A trip to the highest hill top in our area so Andrea could take some pics. Unfortunately the mountains were hidden behind clouds and the sun was rising on the ocean, otherwise it's a great spot for pics! Next time I'd like to see a sunset up there!

Coco surprisingly welcomed Andrea to the pack beautifully!

A trip to the Palm Farm. They're going so quickly and have already started producing!!

On a side note, here's pic reference of how quickly they're growing:
Left: July 2013  Right: about a year later

And of course lunch with (or at the same restaurant as) the President of Panama. I couldn't think of a more believable statement than when I say that you never know what could happen down here in Panama!

Trip to Coiba: Heading out just before sunrise.

We got a little fish action as we trolled past Isla Secas:

The 1st thing we see as we pull up to the Coiba Islands, a BIG boat FILLED with people?!
Evidently a newly passed law allows these ships into this well preserved national park.

Here's the ranger station...LOOK at all those people!

I took this one so Barbara could see that float!

Granito de oro: Home for the next two nights.

A little snorkeling before setting up camp.

Oh and look at that...another boat full of people!

Just before the sun went down we set up the camp:

Dylan got the camp fire going.

Food, beer, hammock...check!

Some had more energy than others:

Getting cleaned up, or something like that!

Enjoying a sunset swim!

After we played in the phosphorescence filled water (too cool) we enjoyed the light of the campfire and the waning moon.

Back on the boat 1st thing the next morning, more fishing & snorkeling!

Perfect balance:

Some underwater pics:

The reason I stayed on the boat most of the time:

This made my day:

Sadly, within a few more than 12 hours after this trip, we said goodbye to Andrea and she started the first leg of her very long journey home. I still think it would have been easier if she just stayed!!

Thanks to my hubby for flying my girl down and making sure she had a trip packed full of great days. Next time we need all 3 kids together!