Friday, January 28, 2011

Billy and Dylan put the motor on the boat last weekend,

Afterwords, they came home to pick me up...and yes, Pepe too!
Besides the fact that when I hopped on the boat,
and my cell phone fell in the water,
it was a nice trip. 
We took Billy back to the marina so he could drive the truck and trailer home, and Dylan drove me back to the house on the boat.
He's turning out to be an excellent captain!
The boat rides wonderfully, love the 4 stroke!
It was a nice dry ride, that is until I hopped off the boat and dropped Billy's cell and my camera in the water!!
The camera was trashed, evidently salt water is hard on electronics...
I was able to recover the SD card, so luckily I didn't loose any pictures!
Now I just need to replace my "boat" camera!
And the SIM for Billy's phone was fine.
(You can always count on me to drop something, maybe it's some sort of disorder???)

The weekend before the boat motor arrived,
we went out for a family kayak trip.
It was great, we even took a swim!

Here's a before and after of the property from the water:
(1 year later)

You can tell when the local fishermen have a good day!
The Frigate Birds have a wing span of up to 7.5ft!
A bit intimidating to me!!
At the right tide, occasionally they (the fishermen) pass by our house.
Besides all the wildlife out here,
they are the only other signs of life we see.
(What a beautiful thing!)

As excited as I was to see this beautiful bee visiting my orchid,
he was as unsuccessful as we were at pollination.

Other Orchids in bloom:

Hungry anyone?
We've got plantain, waba and cashew:
(I love each one, but I'd have to say the waba is my favorite. Very sweet)

A pretty tree in bloom:
(I enjoy the fall of the petals on the ground almost as much as the blooms themselves!)

So, what makes a person trespass?
(Through barb wire, mean trees, and cow droppings???)

Why, this of course:
Ok, so maybe maybe I'm not normal!
But I couldn't resist.
They're bird nests...
Ok, not just any bird...
The Oropendola!

These are my favorite birds in Panama,
besides Lucy of course!
Not only do they have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen a bird have,
they make some of the neatest mating gestures I've ever witnessed!
(I'm currently working on a recording)
Anyhow, as far as the trespassing goes,
the owner of the property is a neighbor and I highly doubt that he minds a gringa in his cow pasture with a camera!
(If so, I'll just give him a couple bucks!!)

Speaking of the coolest bird in Panama...
Here's my baby girl debuting her natural colors!!
(It actually looks like she enjoyed being in front of the camera.)

Left upper and lower: The juvenile black hawk..if you look closely you can see his breakfast.
He followed me around on my morning walk and ate up what I chased out of the brush on my way.
He's great!  I love watching him mature, and seeing him every day is a real bonus!
Middle pic: The " Social Fly-Catcher." This couple has taken over a nest built last year by another couple.
It's so close to my front porch that I'll have a 'birds eye view ' when the babies hatch!
Upper right: The Lineated Woodpecker
Lower right: The Roadside Hawk
These birds are here every day, and are nearly as much a part of our family as the rest of our pets.

So, while I'm having fun taking pics,
the real work is being done by my wonderful hubby!
Stucco man galore!
This week he's stucco'd the inside of the garage, (the smaller of the 2 rooms)
the inside of the planter that borders the front porch,
AND the inside of the retaining wall for the boat ramp.
(Yes, there are reasons for the random tasks, but I'm just the photographer trying really hard to document the info on a computer with a bad attitude...I haven't dropped it, but I AM ready to throw it it at this moment!)

So, that's it for now.
If I don't kill my computer very soon, my next post should be on schedule...
my schedule!

Salud amigos!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Arrival!

Ahoy there matey!!
The new boat is finally done!
Hopefully we can get it seaworthy very soon!

On a side note:
Billy finally got cable TV ordered.
3-5 days.
That was Monday...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Some pics of 1 of the 2 New Year celebrations we attended:

Above: Billy attempting to get a shot of the both of us...

Above & below: Front & rear views of the party location!
(and my 2 very handsome men!)

We had a great evening.
After this party we went to the "Merf's" place...
They had a bonfire, food, guitar, fireworks, and some great company!

(bty Mary,  don't forget about the Peace Corps.
As always it was great seeing you and we can't wait for you and Perry to become residents!)

Happy New Year everyone!