Monday, August 1, 2011

A Little Bit of This & That...

Well, it's been over a month since my last post...
I've got old news and some more of the same old stuff:

The picture below is our meter wall...
It's at the gate at the main road.
Originally it was 1/2 the size, but because we switched over our power supply,
they had to build on...
Long story short...we thought it should look nice so I put some stone on it,
Billy put the roof tile on.
Maybe someday we'll have a business to advertise there...?
(Maybe not;)

We have a tree that grows gourds, basketball gourds.
I've been drying them out, carving and painting them:

The eyes are carved out on this one, like a mask.

I broke my Dremel making this one.
I'm thinking about repainting this one.
I love the carving but not the pattern I painted.

This one is an open top bowl.
7" tall & wide

I drilled holes and filled with glass beads then installed a light for this one:
It creates a nice affect, the color of the beads actually shine on the wall.
This was a test run on a smalled gourd that I found at the beach, it's only about 5" tall 4" wide.
I can't wait to do the next one!!

More crafting... 
Hermit Crabs


I've found a home for my desktop computer.
At my recently installed (personal) work bench!
I've mounted the monitor so that while I work, I can surf the net,
watch movies, TV shows on YouTube...
I've been happily crafting my days away!
Leaving the island is really only important when we run out of food!
We did actually go somewhere a few weeks ago,
here's a picture to prove it:

This waterfall is on the road that goes to Boquete.

do go beach-combing every chance I get.
(And sometimes I take Pepe.
He obviously loves it, his feet aren't touching the ground!) 

Billy, Dylan, Cedar and his son went out on the boat the other day.
They spear fished, knee boarded and cruised the beaches.
(I stayed home and worked ;)

Our friends Mary and Perry were down.
As usual it was great to see them, and meet Perry's son Quentin.
(They still come see us even though we whip them every time at Scattergories! ;)

I finally got a picture of the crock at our boat ramp.

Yep, more orchids.
These are terrestrial, and cover the property! 
The plant dies off during during dry season and flowers in the wet.

The rain is back, and so are things come with it!

I've had a picture of mine, the "Stink-horn Mushroom" (with the lacy thing) published on a web site.
(The owner help me identify it, like my pic and asked to use it.)
Posted in the Hall of Fame@: 

Another: Guess what it is:
(answer at bottom of post)

Billy spotted another bee swarm along our road, so we called the bee keeper!
This guy is crazy!
Jim moved the swarm to a hive on the property, but it was unsuccessful.
Possibly the queen didn't make it to her new home with her family.
However,he checked the other hive and it's doing wonderful:

More birds...imagine!

The truly gross:
(The 2 upper right pics are a trap door spider's home.)

The cool:

The pretty:

The edibles:

"    "
"     "
(Lunch: Octopus Ceviche)

The truly unusual:
A Flannel Moth caterpillar.
The answer to the Guess What.
It looks so soft, you just want to pet it...
but don't.
Billy did, and it wasn't pretty!