Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Kayak Adventure

Pepe La Pew & I set off on a (6 mile, 6 hour) kayak adventure!

We put in at Playa Hermosa
("Beautiful Beach")
This was our route:
(I've coordinated a few spots on the map with pictures taken below)
 My goal was to do some beach combing
and check out access to Playa Grande.

The first beach we stopped at had massive amounts of BROKEN conch shells:(
(Spot A)

On a cliff above the broken shells were a variety of orchids that we don't have on the property...
and still don't because I couldn't reach them!!

Spot B:

Playa Grande at last, and disappointed again!
(Spot C)
Playa Grande is a known surf beach in the area,
so I went knowing the waves would be big.
However I was hoping there would be some little spot I could sneak in,
on a kayak...with a dog!
Unfortunately, avoiding rocks looked to be an issue and I really didn't think Pepe was in the mood for surfing the kayak ashore!
Sorry little buddy, next time your staying home!

Next on my bucket list was to touch ground at this rock:
(Spot D)
But, because the swell was so big that day
I'd have probably kicked the bucket trying!
After that, I decided to head back into the protected waters of the bay as I was starting to feel a bit sea sick!

(Spot E)
 An entire skeletal structure of a Howler Monkey on a beach.

(Spot F)
This is a video of a troop of Howler Monkeys being quite vocal on Playa Gavilla.
It will open in another window via YouTube.
I thought I share the video since I didn't get any great pictures.
(Yes, that's Pepe you can hear whining, wishing I'd let him off the leash!)

We intended on visiting my friend Kendall, but she wasn't home!
(Spot G)

All in all, it was a fun trip and I'm looking forward to doing again soon!
Next time I hope to have a dolly to help get the kayak up to the truck.
Because the tide was out when I came back, I had to drag it for what seemed to be a 1/2 mile!