Sunday, December 4, 2011

Our last guest(s) of the year :(

Well, here I am again behind as usual!
She's been gone for a month now and I'm just getting around to blogging it!

Barbara and Vicky's visit:

We went out to Isla Secas and had a wonderful day!
Unlike the weather during my dad's visit,
they enjoyed sunshine the whole time they were here!
Rainy season can be fickle that way!


Dylan found a (sick) Hawksbill Sea Turtle...
Poor little guy!
(I just love sea turtles!!)

Dylan enjoyed some spear fishing!

On another day Barb and the boys went out for a little fishing trip:
(African Pompano)
(PS Dylan is actually taller than Barb, I don't know what happened in this pic!)

Well, that's it for pictures.
The last week or so Barb was here we were in the hospital with Dylan.
The next thing we knew she was leaving...:(

So that's it for company this year.
If you haven't been down to see us yet, or it's been a while,
WHAT are you waiting for?