Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My latest gourd!

Yay! Done at last!
This thing took forever!
I had to put down the power tools & 
use good old fashioned carving knives for most this project!

Sunday's Boat Trip

 We set out for a boat trip Sunday!
The weather was questionable, but we decided to risk it anyhow...

We headed out to the Peridas Islands and was hoping to,
along the way see some whales, as it's the beginning of season,
but instead we only saw some dolphin:

 I wish I had been able to get better pics,
but as we approached the bait fish they were feeding on moved away,
and of course, so did they! :(

Billy caught several fish, including this Horse-eye Jack:
He also got a nice snapper fishing off the island we stopped at.
I had a MONSTER snapper hit my popper...It came out of the water & BAM...
took off like a bat out of hell...
HA, I didn't stand a chance! 
I tried to pass the pole to Dylan but it was too late, 
the line got cut off on the rocks! 
So not only did I loose a $20 popper but
can you imagine the crap I got from the boy's the rest of the day for loosing that fish!? 

This is the island we stopped & played on:

Dylan lured us up a rock cliff to see this:

There was a crab living in there (which Dylan ate).
He was trying to convince us that the crab planted the seeds to the fern
as to give his home some privacy...!

Then he convinced us further up the cliff:

"Oh...come see this tree guys!!"

And further still...
"Oh, and come check out this view up here guys!"

(The hand on the pic points to the spot we climbed to)

A pretty little tide pool:

Perfectly balanced:

Great views:

I did a little snorkeling & found these:

It turned out to be a great day,
we didn't even get rained on!
And we even had fresh fried fish for dinner!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Ground Breaking News!

Well, maybe not news to all.
And depending on your idea of news, 
a 3 week old story may not qualify!

Anyhow, we've broke ground on our new venture:
The Oil Palm business!

Below is a Google Earth image showing the outline of the property
in regards to the Pacific Ocean:

It's a 6 year old picture, hopefully Google Earth updates it soon!

The tree line is the border of the property:

As you can see in the next several pictures it's planted with Teak.

             and these....yikes!

                                                                                                              A small stand of Bamboo.

Well, we have a year to get  150 acres cleared & planted with the Oil Palm.
When rainy seasons comes along next year we should  be up & growing!
Hopefully we get more rain in the next season than we're getting now,
we've been a little more dry than usual,
and are hoping not to have to put in a very costly well!

Billy needed to move the back-hoe over to the farm,
which would normally take about 45 minutes, unless your going 19mph!
I forgot my iPod at home & was quite bored following him,
so I took some pictures:

I'm going to try to get over there sometime soon & take some new pics.
I can't wait to see what he's done!
We've hired 5 guys that have been working 6 days a week,
plus Dylan on Saturdays :)
so there should be some serious progress going on!