Sunday, March 10, 2013

It's been a while!

I'm back!
So, it's been a 4 months!
Hubby accuses me of being a deserter of the blog,
(because of Facebook)
but that's bogus!

I really love to blog, and as exciting as our life is,
there's only so much new going on around here.
I actually do have some fresh stuff, but don't be disappointed to see
for example: more pictures of monkeys...
The only thing new about that is the date in which they were taken.

Below: Dylan and Billy's most recent dive trip. Yummy!
BTY: The thing on Dylan's face is to protect his scars from the sun.

If you've been on the water in Boca Chica, you've seen this island before.
Locals call it 3 1/2 Palm Island, however it's about 3 palms short since it took a hard hit in a storm last year. Anyhow, I thought it'd be nice to restore it to it's cute little name sake & planted some palms on it. I hope they take!

Harvesting Honey:
My 'honey' has a bee suit now! 
Jim & Billy saving the bee at a time. 

'Honey' harvesting more than just honey!

Miracle Fruit:
This stuff is pretty one berry and everything you eat for an hour after (esp. sour) tastes sweet! I think it would be great for people with a sweet tooth who want to watch calories...if only it made things taste like chocolate!

Dylan's 1st day of school in Panama. :(
After 2 weeks, he's still loving it & says he'll never go back to homeschooling!

Hubby & I going out w/out kids!

Last time we stocked up on chicks, I had Billy buy me some cute ones for pets/egg layers.. not food! Bottom right: All grown up! 
I love my peeps!


The lone mono.
This little girl was having lunch all by herself...strange.
She didn't mind me, or the dogs (that were acting like fools) observing.
In these pics, she was only about 15 feet away from me.
(And NO, I can't ever get enough pics of the monkeys!)

It's not uncommon to leave a drink around (outside) and find some bug sharing...


Of course, more flowers!
(The pink & white one is a hibiscus, some sort of anomaly as the rest of the flowers on the bush are white...wish I could make that happen again!)

Orchids in bloom:

Beaded gourd lamp:

Butterfly carved gourd:

This is one of the gourds I grew from a seed. 
They're very different from the gourds grown naturally here...I looked at it for months before I decided to just start carving... Out of the 5-6 that I grew, only one was worthy of carving. Not sure if I'll grow more of not?!

Recently finished family tree wall:

After having to miss out in participating in last year's horse parade because of his head injury, Dylan was quite excited to this year...twice!
( I must be shrinking, because that kid is only 13!)

Two of my favorite boys!

My jungle tour: Punta Bejuco

Blooming butterflies on Billy's Passion Fruit vine:
                                                                           (The Passion Fruit Flower)         (The Passion Fruit)

Adult 4 Eyed Opossum: (visiting my mango tree)

Abandoned 4 Eyed Opossum: 'Mini'
Hoping to release her in the next couple weeks.

Bottling more wine!!
(Which I hear is getting better as it ages!)
Wine tasting in Florida starting March 28th, while supplies last!

Always keeping busy...
This is some of the teak Billy's sold as he prepares the land for the Palm Oil farm.

The next several groups of pics are from Barbara's last trip, the most dated part of the post so far.

Trip to the river for a little swim.                        
That's Dylan jumping off the bridge:                 Beach trip & lunch at Las Lajas Beach Resort:

Boat day!

Dinner at Seagull Cove Resort:


The rest of the pics are from the Montana trip:
Bill and his kids, and Uncle George on bottom right:

Pretty views!

Little Billy:


Well, there you have it people!

That's all I have for now.
Hopefully I don't fall so far behind before next time I post!