Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mountain River to Seashore

 Here's some pics of our trip!

Start & finish line
According to Google Earth we started at 58' elevation and a 12 mile trip:

We'd never done the trip before so we set out early:

Here's the ramp where we put in...unfortunately the one at our destination wasn't quite as nice:

My umbrella...I had a plan, and it would have worked out perfectly if it were not for the North Wind! I ended up using it as a sail, now it's garbage!

We had to stop and access areas with any white water....

Billy helped Barb walk around this one, but Dylan and I passed through easily...VERY fun! 
(We only had to do this maybe a handful of times)


Here comes Barb:

Dylan saved the day giving Barb a little tow now and again:

Barb enjoying using her camera while being towed:

....and me witnessing it!:

And then the release:

Billy did a little fishing:

...and of course got a fish:


 And at long last...we made it to the beach! YAY

It was a super fun day!
As usual, hubby polls of another amazing adventure!
I can't wait to do it again!