Friday, May 20, 2011

Old News...

I know this is old news, but I thought grandma might enjoy the video...
...while he was catching that big tuna!
Don't forget, this went on for nearly 4.5 hours!

My baby is growing up!

Remember this picture:

Well, this is how fast my baby grew!

Look at him crashed out...awww! 
If I were a bird, that's how I'd sleep too!
However, as Billy said, I wouldn't be a bird for long!!
PS That was probably the last time Dylan will ever hold him...
He's a one person kind of bird evidently, and guess who his person is?
Ok, it's me at the moment.
After all the work I've done for that little one, it better stay that way!

Poor Pepe...he's just not a very big hit with either of the birds.
All he wants is a little kiss...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Birthday Fun!

Dylan's island birthday party turned out perfect!
Lot's of fun, food, and thankfully...
Yes, we were lucky enough to have great weather!
At this time of year it could go either way!

Just like teenagers, the kids went off exploring for a place to hang out...
away from adult supervision.
Just like a mom, I set out to find them!
They found this cool (dangerous) little spot tucked away on the island:

I stood up on the cliff and took pictures,
knowing all fun activity would stop if I was spotted....
The girls honed in on me first, but played it cool.
When Dylan finally spotted me,
he informed me that he needed me down there to be a wave spotter.
 Obviously happy to be invited and not shunned,
it looked fun to me, so I joined them.