Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Latest Painted Gourd

It actually looks better in person,
I couldn't get a pic without the glare :(

Fishing Trip: Isla Secas

Billy & Dylan's most recent fishing trip:

After a nice quiet day when I hear, "MOM, get the camera..."
I know they had a good day!
All the smiles are a good sign too!

Dylan's lunch the next day!
(He's quite the cook!)

13th Anniversary!!

To celebrate our 13th anniversary we went out to dinner.
Before we left I wanted to get a picture of Billy & I.

I had the boys pose for me so I could adjust the camera settings......

Then Dylan took the pic.
Actually he took a bunch, but most of them were too blurry.
This is what I ended up with:
We had a great evening.
We took the boat out to the island and had dinner at Hotel Boca Brava.
It was dark when we left...
Nighttime boat rides are so beautiful!
(Hey babe, thanks for the great ride, last night and for the last 13+ years!)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Andrea's Visit!

So, I'm finally posting pictures of Andrea's visit!!

Here we are at Las Lajas Beach.

We went out to the islands a couple times...

Did some snorkeling...

Saw some Humpback whales...
they're here having babies!!

Dylan and I got in with our snorkel gear to try and see them,
but they wouldn't cooperate!
(Some day I will accomplish this!)

We also did some knee-boarding!
After several tries Andrea was going to give up...

 But, she did it!!
That's my girl!!
 Yes, it's a knee-board...
but Dylan just had to try standing on it:

(Our house in the background)

Well, like I said it went by so fast!
We didn't think she was going to make it down this year,
so it was quite a treat having her!
Look here...even the kids got along!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fishing Montuosa

Billy & Dylan's (overnight;) fishing trip:



Sea turtle mating season...
Thankfully my guys know not to boat these beautiful creatures!!