Friday, September 14, 2012

Just Another Day in Paradise!

Two gourds I've recently completed:

I bought some seeds when I last visited the states so I could grow a different variety of gourds.
They're supposed to be giant, however I'm lazy about fertilizing so the biggest one I grew ended up to be only 12".

(Trying to figure out what I can make with the one on the left ;)

We bottled about 36 cases of wine...
(432 bottles!)
As you can see, it was a family affair! 
Sampling wasn't the only fun part...
With a little trial & error adjusting the flow,
we ended up pretty wet!
Next, I have to come up with a name & design a label,
so far, I'm stumped!

Our buy of the week:
$5 buys this 20lb sack.
(front & back view)
They've started selling these roadside lately 
& I love the idea!
The only thing I needed that's not inside: cucumbers!
A real time & money saver!

Billy sitting on the front porch enjoying the rain &  beer:

Thing's in bloom:

Oh...I left a few out of the collage above:

Blooming Orchids:

Bingo & the babies:
(sooo sweet! ;)

More baby pics! 
I figured since they have a new home now I'd post my favorites!
(Yes, Pepe la Pew is licking his lips!)

One of Billy's recent fishing trips.
(Not the most recent however...
last Sunday he caught 100lbs & 
sold it before he got home) 

I've been meaning to post this:
Honey from our own yard!
Also, a swarm of bees Jim collected to put in a trap.

Miscellaneous pics:
The 2 upper left are of momma bird bringing her babies some food.
Her nest is on our front porch in one of 3 hanging pots.
It was a fun process to watch.
The daddy actually built a nest in all 3 pots and then lured the female with a wonderful little dance to show her all he had to offer!
We could see them through the window while sitting on the couch,
even watched them leave the nest for the first time.

A wicked and venomous (dead) snake!
Bingo saved me from being bit as he found it slithering on the sidewalk next to the house.

Well, I think that brings me up to date!
I've been quite a slacker as of lately posting pictures!

Coming up next:
Sunday: Whale watching/island fun
Monday: Our 14th Wedding Anniversary!
Sometime later next week: Trip to Bocas del Toro!