Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Good...the Bad and Ugly!

(While I was in town shopping today,
I think the Croadile Hunter was here using my camera...
All I know is the pictures are all that's left, thank goodness!)

It is called the Black Ctenosaur, or more commonly the Black Iguana.
Interesting fact:
They are not eaten by many animals besides humans. Some people in Central America consider the ctenosaur tasty and a natural remedy for impotence; this is why the ctenosaur is commonly referred to in Spanish as the ‘gallina de palo,’ or ‘tree chicken.’

"She loves me more!"
"No, She loves me more!"

Sunday, September 19, 2010


This man has the right idea..
With a piece of foam (garbage) and a homemade oar,
he manages to get from shore to his moored boat without getting wet!
As usual, Panamanians and their ingenuity never cease to amaze me!

Annual Beach Clean Up: 2010

Another fun and successful island beach clean up!
For the 4th year in a row, 
the wonderful Carlos Spraga of Boca Chica
managed to put together this productive project for the local community childeren.
Together with the help of local boat owners, we fill up our vessels with kids and head out to the islands!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Boat Fun!

Day 1 with the Slagle Family: Isla Gamez

Day 2: Isla Secas

We had a great visit with the Slagle family!
The weather could have been a bit better,
poor Elizabeth experienced a slight bit of sea sickness the first day...
the swell was a little rough, but I hooked her up with some meds for the second day.

Dylan had fun teaching William, a fast learner, some of his fishing skills.
While trolling, William reeled in a Sierra Mackerel!

And by the way:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Well, here's a sneak preview of the work Billy's completed on the porch...

This one is for you Gramms...
The left and right side of the "bridge" that we put in to access the property.

Here is the snake having his first meal...a bat!

I love my dogs!

The Sapphire-throated Hummingbird
(and no, I did not photoshop it, it's really just that beautiful!)

The Iguana and her replacement...
Dylan and I just couldn't resist her!
I told him if he wanted her he had to let the Iguana go,
so it's gone!
A bunny is so much nicer to cuddle!

The "Wolly Opossum"
(We keep finding such neat creatures on the island!)

The bird has a name now,
She is the most sweet, fun and silly little thing!
She just rolls over on her back so you can pet her!

This picture is from our last trip home in May.
I wanted to post it for all of you that haven't seen Billy in what seems like forever!
We sure miss him!

These are older pictures, but I thought I'd share anyway.
It's our property from our boat.
If you look closely, you can see both the house and the ranchito.

Anyway, that's what's been going on.
My barstools and Dylan's bookshelf are completed!
I'll post pics of them soon.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Again.... boys!

Floral Arrangement

Some cut flowers from the yard...
Even Pepe La Pew had to stop and smell the flowers!

ANOTHER project!

Daddy helping Dylan make a cage for the Iguana.

Birth Announcement!

Meet the new addition to the Hodges family....
I've yet to name her/him and I'm open to ideas!

I don't know what kind of bird she is...
she was bought from a cruel Panamanian who bleached
and then died her crown feathers yellow.
I'm guessing her to be about 10-12 weeks old and until she's mature,
maybe 1-2 years old, I wont know her true identity.
She's eating on her own and is the sweetest thing EVER!

Creature of the day....

(It's nolonger "Creature of the Week")
Is that thing disgusting or what!?
Billy found it trapped in a 5 gallon bucket,
I killed it.