Saturday, November 6, 2010

Our Kayak Trip

 I went with Dylan the other day for my first kayak trip from the property!
It was great!
I've been looking forward to exploring the waters bordering the island,
but we haven't built a ramp yet so it makes what should by a fun time a lot like work!
I can't wait to do it again!
Pepe La Pew rode with Dylan and only fell out once.
My passenger was my camera and all I could think as I watched him swim is that I could buy at least 10 Chihuahuas for the price of my camera...
(I know, I'm going to Hell)

Dylan climbed out of his kayak onto a mangrove stand to collect an orchid,
good thing he can swim!

Anyhow, click the read more link to see some more pics...

Upper lefft: Mangroves in color & black and white
Upper right: Ringed Kingfisher
Lower left: Willet
Lower right: Our house and the Ranchito

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