Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Day:
Well, for the first time in what must be a hundred years,
there were no children in my house on Christmas Day.
Dylan was invited to go out with a friend of ours on a charter,
so he stayed the night before with them...and a bunch of kids!
I can't say I liked it,  but if you ask him, he'll tell you it was the "best Christmas ever!"
(He got a little taste of scuba diving!)

He loved everything from everyone:
Ashley: Evidently you can pick out a good knife, and candy!
Mom & Dale: The pic above on the bottom right is him opening the helicopter...
Great one!
And of course it goes without saying, the gift card earned some major points!
Dad: Cash is king!
Danyelle: When you gonna come play these games with him!?

I know I said he had a great Christmas, 
so you're probably wondering why he doesn't look so happy in the next picture...

There's actually a very good explanation for that look!
We told him to "Save the best for last..."
(A PlayStation 3)
So, he opened a game that can only be played on the PS3.
I made a joke saying that I thought he could play it on one of his current systems...
He didn't laugh.?

Construction Update:

Here's a little crafty stuff I've been doing:
I made some ornaments out of seeds from the mangroves.
Background: Mangroves
Top Center: The Flower
Bottom Center: The Seeds
I made them while hanging out on the hammock in the ranchito.
(Any excuse is a good one to hang out up there!)

More strange stuff...

 Here's another: Can you guess what it is?
(It's actually 4 different pictures, and it's not another strange mushroom!)

"The Fragrant Swan"
We actually find most all of our orchids in the wild,
but I bought these from a little Indian boy who was selling them roadside.
Panama: $3 each
US: $200

Others in bloom
(and 1 that has been pollinated)

This is a 7 picture panorama that I created of the sunset at the ranchito:

That's it for now.
I can't believe the holiday's are over.
I sure did miss everyone this year.
It would be nice to have everyone here for the holidays someday...

I just try to remember:


  1. Hey!!! I checked the name of the strange red seed thing that you have a photo of (from our estate, I believe :) ......) ....and it is achiote.....a coloring/flavor used in cooking!!!!!!

  2. Awesome Mary! I'm going to have to find out what resource you used to find that one out as I have posted other odd seeds without any reference and I'd prefer to provide info!!
