Saturday, December 11, 2010

Something has been eating my corn!?

On a daily basis since cobs started appearing on the stalks,
our employee has been bringing us an ear of corn a day.
One that's been chewed on a bit by a raccoon.
No problem I thought, we love to share!

 Well, the picture above depicts a new story.
Dylan stumbled across this on one of his 'hunting' trips...
Daddy is not happy to share this much!
So I set out yesterday at 6:30 am to hide in the corn and see what's up!

Well, maybe the Black Chested Jay?
They've been around an awful lot lately...
Naw...I don't buy it.
Did you notice how neatly that cob was cleaned?

 Well, the baby Black Hawk is lurking around...
However, I'm still not convinced that it's a bird!


Now I'm starting to get bored and not so very comfortable...
(don't ever leave the house in Panama without a book!)
Oh welI, think I'll lay down right here...
Ever wonder what a corn field looks like from a laying down position?

 I figured I should change up my hiding spot so I moved further down the bank...

Not much going on down here...I'll take some 'I'm bored' pictures.
(see above)

As usual, my men were right...
The monkeys!
Look at that rediculously fat face in the smaller pic...
Again I have to agree with my Hubby,
They're very greedy!

Other than that...

Above: Orchids currently blooming.
Thankfully, we've had better luck with our Orchids!
The bottom right Orchid is a little something Billy found on the way home the other day.
He's done such a great job!
Our property has an average of 1 tree per 10 sq'  lets say...
(I'm asking Billy the property stats as I type and he's not cooperating very well ;)
Nearly 1/3 of them have at least 1 orchid!
(We have about 15 acres, that's a bunch of Orchids! )

This is a Ginger flower.
This is from a friend who kindly gave us about 15 plants!
I have another variety that is bloomed at the moment, but I'm not happy with the pic.

Did you know that you can buy Ginger root at Publix and plant it?
Dylan picked up some at the market and planted it recently and it's already growing!

As the pic says, it was

'Another Day in Paradise.'
I am truly blessed!


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