Saturday, April 30, 2011

Bless the flowers and the weeds, my birds and BEES!

Yesterday, while walking my camera...
this is what I discovered:

Last year in October, we found some bee hives on our property.
If you saw it on the blog,
you'll remember that our friend Jim came over with all his garb
and homemade hives...

Well, we've finally struck gold(en).....honey!
This is great news!
After the dog having to share his water bowl with them all dry season,
this is the reward!

Below, you'll see Jim preparing to smoke,
and smoking out the bees form their current home...
(trial by error)

As he carried the temporary hive to the place of transfer, he said:
"This thing is heavy, and full!"

He was soooo right...
Look at all those bees...
and ALL that honey!

I enjoyed this part so much...
He just poured the rest of the bees into their new home..
and it's a mansion!
(My next painting project!)

Saving the world,
one bee at a time!!

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