Monday, September 12, 2011

Andrea's Visit!

So, I'm finally posting pictures of Andrea's visit!!

Here we are at Las Lajas Beach.

We went out to the islands a couple times...

Did some snorkeling...

Saw some Humpback whales...
they're here having babies!!

Dylan and I got in with our snorkel gear to try and see them,
but they wouldn't cooperate!
(Some day I will accomplish this!)

We also did some knee-boarding!
After several tries Andrea was going to give up...

 But, she did it!!
That's my girl!!
 Yes, it's a knee-board...
but Dylan just had to try standing on it:

(Our house in the background)

Well, like I said it went by so fast!
We didn't think she was going to make it down this year,
so it was quite a treat having her!
Look here...even the kids got along!!

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