Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dad's Visit!

So, between company and hospital stays I've gotten behind on some posts!

It's been over a month since he left,
but it was great seeing my dad!

We did a little kayaking...

Lots of card and game playing, thanks to the weather!


We set out to find where this river meets the ocean,
Billy wants to try it in the kayaks some time.
(San Lorenzo)

Views along the way:

San Lorenzo Beach
(A very bad compilation, but it will have to do for now!)

Yes, your seeing correctly.
Most of the cliff has eroded under this palm.
But Dylan had to have that coconut!
(I don't think he'd have been doing this if he knew how bad a concussion was...I hope!)

Here's Dad, and I know what he's thinking...
(But it's ok Dad, we made it there and back and you didn't have to muddy up your shoes, AND we didn't even run out of gas;)

Some partying:

Oh, and look, the sun is shining...finally.
Of course it is, Dad's leaving today!

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