Thursday, May 31, 2012

Boathouse Bathroom, DONE!

 I needed to create some space on the shelves in my work room so I decided to use up some of the shells I'd been collecting.
It was supposed to be a quick project...if I only knew when to stop!
It took about a month to do the border!
Then I added the water,
then a lighthouse, 
plus 20 other things that I just had to do! 

I actually had to go collect more shells during that time to get it 'just right!'
 (I also scored that oar on a beach combing trip!)
Unfortunately, because the way I sort my shells
I really didn't end up with any more space!


Happy to be done!
All I could think of the whole time I was working on this project was the new gourd I'd start carving as soon as I was done!
But first, I had to work on 1 more thing for the bathroom...
A couple seahorses I'd carved.
Half way through that, my Dremel took a crap on me!
That would be the Dremel I  carve my gourds with!
Now it's in the shop, sure hope they can fix it!

1 comment:

  1. Wow that looks really great, did you glue the shells to the wall?
