Wednesday, August 14, 2013

One Neat-O Kid!

My little cowboy!
(Not so little anymore!)

I'm dedication this blog post to my amazing son!
He's spent so much time lately honing his skills of being on a horse,
as you can see in the pictures/videos below!

First up: A quick video of him practicing his lasso technique at home:
Click link to see video:

Here he is helping a friend & local rancher round up cattle for inoculations:

(and here I am enjoying the perks of friends with horses!)

Click on the link below to watch a (very) short video of Dylan in action:

The next group of pics were taken this past Sunday at a rodeo.
It was the last day and open to anyone
& Dylan wanted to participate:

A few more quick videos:

To watch a video use link below:

The day before the rodeo was San Larenzo's Patronales celebration.
(Nearly every town in Panama has their own annual festival.)

(daytime fireworks, I've never seen the like!)

Watch a short video of the parade, click link below:

So, that's that!
I'm enjoying Dylan's new passion nearly as much as he is!
However, as hubby says, horses are a rich mans hobby...
click the link below to donate:
(kidding ;)

And sorry for all the external links.
I had to use Youtube because 'Blogger' was not cooperating!!

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