Friday, January 24, 2014

Mother's Day, Panama Style!

As some of you may know
Mother's Day is celebrated on Dec.8 in Panama,
the same day as The Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion.
In our town, they do it in style...
with one of the largest horse parades in the country!

(The best looking horse in Panama:)

So, this was my first experience with the celebration.
According to everyone I talked to, 
attendance was on the lower side than usual...
I couldn't imagine there being more people!
I had the best day ever and I'll be back in December,
only this time I'll be wearing boots instead of sneakers!!

I'll also be prepared for the Parade of the Immaculate Concepcion
which the Catholic Church does at the end! 
It was wonderful,
but I only had my cell phone to take pictures at that point
and only 1 pic turned out decent:

This is an awesome experience & highly recommended time of year to visit Panama...if this is your kind of thing.
And for those who can stay out later than me,
dance clubs are set up in several areas with all the alcohol & LOUD music you can imagine!

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