Monday, October 4, 2010

And they're off...

Yesterday the boys spent the day gearing up for their big over night fishing trip.
That's right folks, peace and quiet for me for 2 days!
They left at 5:05 this morning and as long as the weather holds out for them,
I wont see them until tomorrow eve.
The map above shows a red pin, that's out property, and the red line shows their destination:
Isla Montuosa....Marlin grounds!

They'll be a long way from home and I hope everyone joins me in a little prayer for their safety.

I think I'm going to surprise my hubby and do a little exterior painting for him.
I nearly had to force him to take this trip, he feels guilty having fun when there's work to be done...
But that's why we live here, right!!??

Anyhow, I sure hope they come with some great things to post...

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