Tuesday, October 12, 2010


My little doggies sniffed out these,
3 little monkeys in the trees!
Click the "Read More" link below to view more pics...

Really, all I want to do is get some work done around here
but these monkeys are very distracting!

There I was on the front porch painting when the dogs took off after a troop of monkeys,
so obviously I had to tag along!

I was able to get the best pictures from the bank,
but I thought I'd try out climbing down and following the dogs further...
Well, the muck was too much for me to get through in flip-flops so I didn't make it far!

The dogs finally came back FILTHY,
and myself...well lets just say that I wont be trying that again soon!

One of the pictures above shows a freshly but thankfully dry painted wall that Bingo tried to scrub himself clean on...
I could only laugh, the only other choice was to cry,
and if it wasn't for the dogs...
well, I wouldn't have known the monkeys were there!

It was a good day!

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