Saturday, November 6, 2010

Letter From the Editor

Hello Friends and Family!
It seems I don't get to talk to most of you too often, so I thought I'd drop a few lines to catch you up.

Well, we haven't been getting much done around here for the past week due to the rains! Don't get me wrong, I've stayed busy as usual! However, exterior house painting was out of the question. As you can see in the picture above, I started an indoor painting my laundry room. (I didn't want to try out my artistic abilities in a more obvious place.) Anyway, the rain has stopped for the first time in about 5 days and it's time to get back to business!

Halloween has passed, mostly unnoticed. The place we've gone to for the past couple of Halloween's was too busy to have a party this year, but I did buy Dylan a ton of candy and made him dress up in order to receive it. I personally thought he could have put out more of an effort:

He's enjoying a break from Spanish lessons at the moment. With the holidays approaching, I suppose the teacher decided to take a break. He's been spending quite a bit of time with his buddy Jared:

Dylan was bit by his snake the other day, not because it's aggressive though, it just acted out in surprise:


The boys went fishing last week and had a great time! I stayed behind to get some work done on the house,(have some time alone!) but didn't accomplish didly! I did START to paint, but after about 3 strokes the monkeys came by and I decided, hey, I deserve a break too. The boys were fishing and having fun, why shouldn't I spend the day how I please? So, that's what I did...I played with my camera, ALL DAY! You'll see some of the pics in the 16 posts below! Enjoy!

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