Sunday, November 13, 2011

Annual Beach Clean Up, 2011

 Another successful and very fun "Annual Beach Clean Up."

After the boats were loaded up with garbage, we headed to the island for a BBQ!

As we were arriving, we spotted a momma Humpback Whale and her calf.

Then I ran out of battery in my camera,
imagine that!
Unfortunately, I missed out on a bunch of great pictures the rest of the day, but I will be sure to remember it as being a great time!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Dad's Visit!

So, between company and hospital stays I've gotten behind on some posts!

It's been over a month since he left,
but it was great seeing my dad!

We did a little kayaking...

Lots of card and game playing, thanks to the weather!


We set out to find where this river meets the ocean,
Billy wants to try it in the kayaks some time.
(San Lorenzo)

Views along the way:

San Lorenzo Beach
(A very bad compilation, but it will have to do for now!)

Yes, your seeing correctly.
Most of the cliff has eroded under this palm.
But Dylan had to have that coconut!
(I don't think he'd have been doing this if he knew how bad a concussion was...I hope!)

Here's Dad, and I know what he's thinking...
(But it's ok Dad, we made it there and back and you didn't have to muddy up your shoes, AND we didn't even run out of gas;)

Some partying:

Oh, and look, the sun is shining...finally.
Of course it is, Dad's leaving today!

Friday, November 11, 2011

MRI Pictures

Below are 2 of the many MRI scans we received.
The areas circled show the blood on his brain, after 10 days.

The neurologist said that it will take several months for the collection of blood to go away.
The biggest concern now is secondary injury.
He was sent home with an anti inflammatory and orders to rest.
NO physical activity.
(DYLAN?? I might have to sit on him to keep him down!)

In case your wondering, here's a break down of the 10 day stay in Hospital Chiriqui:
Neurologist: $1,500.00 ($150.00 per day!??)
CT Scan: $275.00
MRI: $650.00
Hospital Stay, incl. ER visit: $920.00
Plus: $50.00 charge to call the Neurologist

I know that in the states, you can hardly even walk in the ER for this price,
however the charge for the specialist took us by surprise.

He received wonderful care.
After a week of hospitalization in the states for his appendectomy,
I can truly say from experience that I preferred the care he received here.
The nurses couldn't have been nicer to him, you could tell most of them truly cared.
What a difference!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Final Update on Dylan


Obviously the MRI results came back fine, the Dr wanted him to be on meds for a couple days after the results came in, but he's a free man now!

Thank you to everyone who prayed for him!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

MRI Postponed

Dylans MRI was postponed today to the point that the Doc will not be able to read the results until 1st thing tomorrow morning.

As much as we were looking forward to good news, he seems to be improving more each day. 

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Dylan Update

Hi all.
Just wanted to to give an update on Dylan.
He seems to be doing much better today.
The doctor informed us that they will perform the MRI tomorrow at noon.
I'm thinking the doc will get the results pretty quickly.
If all is well, he may go home on Tuesday.

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, keep 'em coming!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pray for my son please

Dylan could really use some prayers from anyone who has some to spare.

The CT scan showed 2 pockets of blood on the front of his brain, but no current bleeding.
Monday or Tuesday they will be doing an MRI to check that he is healing properly.

I have the computer at the hospital now, so feel free to Skype us.