Friday, November 11, 2011

MRI Pictures

Below are 2 of the many MRI scans we received.
The areas circled show the blood on his brain, after 10 days.

The neurologist said that it will take several months for the collection of blood to go away.
The biggest concern now is secondary injury.
He was sent home with an anti inflammatory and orders to rest.
NO physical activity.
(DYLAN?? I might have to sit on him to keep him down!)

In case your wondering, here's a break down of the 10 day stay in Hospital Chiriqui:
Neurologist: $1,500.00 ($150.00 per day!??)
CT Scan: $275.00
MRI: $650.00
Hospital Stay, incl. ER visit: $920.00
Plus: $50.00 charge to call the Neurologist

I know that in the states, you can hardly even walk in the ER for this price,
however the charge for the specialist took us by surprise.

He received wonderful care.
After a week of hospitalization in the states for his appendectomy,
I can truly say from experience that I preferred the care he received here.
The nurses couldn't have been nicer to him, you could tell most of them truly cared.
What a difference!

1 comment:

  1. So glad Dylan is home!!
    I want you to post the pictures of you guys trying to keep him quiet and inactive!!!!
