Sunday, January 19, 2014

Boat House: Completed!

Here it is....
the boat house is done!

It was on the bottom of a very long list of things Billy had to do this year,
so after 12 months you can imagine how happy he is to be done!

(Coco was the apprentice on this job!)

Of course, as soon as the job was done, we had some repairs to do on the trailer before we could bring the boat home, 
so that added an extra month...
it the mean time the tractor had a cozy place to park!

And the finale:
Here comes Pan Blanco.
5 years at the marina and she finally gets to come home!

Congratulations baby! 
Job well done!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, how cool is that!! I mean wake up at 6 and be in the water at 6:30. Looks great!!
