Friday, October 10, 2014

Billy's Visit!

Billy comes home for a visit!
We can't believe it's come to pass
but having him here was a blast!

We lost a couple days due to luggage delays
but after that  we made the best of what time we had!

Snorkeling Isla Secas:

Thumbs up for Marie's first snorkel!


Dylan spears a little fish that we later used for bait ;)

We found a great island in the Secas chain for shelling...
and sea-glass!


This time of year there's not much sun...
as a matter of fact, maybe only long enough to get these 2 shots:

A little bit of fishing:



And I'm quite sure Dylan enjoyed having his bro around as a workout buddy!

We went to Boquete and hiked the Pipe Line Trail:
(Both pics below are of Billy & Marie at the bottom of the waterfall)

The Caldera Canyon:

The Hot Springs at Caldera:

(Dylan & his new puppy)

Cool dip in the river after the hot springs!



Some random waterfalls:

A bunch of board games and a little chillin' on the sofa.

It was a fantastic visit!
Looking forward to the next one for sure!

My boys!
 (Sure would be nice to see Andrea in these pics!)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fishing With Uncle George

This post is dedicated to Billy's Uncle George.
He was down for a month, during off, or rainy season.
Despite rough seas and plenty of rain they still did quite well.

First trip out...breaking him in slowly!

A couple classics, pics not fish! ;)

Pictures from their Coiba trip:

A break from fishing for a trip to the mountains:

And of course, some good eats!


....and drink!
Distilling Billy's Pineapple Wine= Brandy!

After receiving a couple bites from Coco, he finally earned her friendship.

And with only a couple days left, Billy took him for
 a walk to the top of a hill for some nice view shots:

...and Playa Hermosa:

And that's what a month in Panama looks like!