Friday, October 10, 2014

Billy's Visit!

Billy comes home for a visit!
We can't believe it's come to pass
but having him here was a blast!

We lost a couple days due to luggage delays
but after that  we made the best of what time we had!

Snorkeling Isla Secas:

Thumbs up for Marie's first snorkel!


Dylan spears a little fish that we later used for bait ;)

We found a great island in the Secas chain for shelling...
and sea-glass!


This time of year there's not much sun...
as a matter of fact, maybe only long enough to get these 2 shots:

A little bit of fishing:



And I'm quite sure Dylan enjoyed having his bro around as a workout buddy!

We went to Boquete and hiked the Pipe Line Trail:
(Both pics below are of Billy & Marie at the bottom of the waterfall)

The Caldera Canyon:

The Hot Springs at Caldera:

(Dylan & his new puppy)

Cool dip in the river after the hot springs!



Some random waterfalls:

A bunch of board games and a little chillin' on the sofa.

It was a fantastic visit!
Looking forward to the next one for sure!

My boys!
 (Sure would be nice to see Andrea in these pics!)

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