Sunday, August 29, 2010

Letter from the editor:

Well, I've just posted about 10 entries,
hope everyone enjoys!
I shouldn't have many more boring pictures of the inside of the house,
the list of things left to do in there are pretty boring, and luckily not very time consuming.

The exterior is a whole other story which instead of words, I'll excite you all with progress pictures as they happen.
Besides, if I start making a list now it will seem like it's never ending, and I'd just as soon go with the excited feeling I have thinking we're nearly done!

The boys are about due for a fishing trip, and I'm basically uninvited: Offshore Fishing.
Maybe then I'll be able to post some pics that make it look like we're having fun down here!

Next month our friends from Boquete, Elizabeth, Larry and their son William are coming for a visit! We're going to do the boat/beach/island thing and I can't wait! It should be a good time for all of permiting.

Also next month Dylan will have 5th grade behind him...I am looking forward to it more than words can say!!

Well, as the list of things to do gets smaller I hope to find myself doing stuff that I really enjoy, ie: reading, SEWING,
getting more familiar with my SLR camera, maybe even picking on the guitar.  I was thinking I could do all these things while hanging out in the hammock, I can't think of anything I could do in a hammock that wouldn't be great!

Other things I'm looking forward to, real internet!
I'm not holding my breath or anything but it's looking like it may happen soon. 
The barstools and bookshelves I'm having made were promised to me by the end of this month,
that's 2 days away, and I'm not holding my breath on that either!
Of course a pool before dry season starts would fantastic, but to convince Billy of that,
I may need to start holding my breath!!

That's it folks.

To all my loved ones far away...

Creatures of the week!!

The snake, a Boa Constrictor was found on the property and is now Dylan's pet.
(I've actually heard Billy say many times that there are no snakes on this island...this makes about the 5th one we've seen, must be that land bridge!)
Personally I don't mind snakes, (this guy is the first one that has ever bit me)
however I do not care at all for that spider!
 It's called a "Whip Tail Spider" and I've seen more than I want to. 
The one pictured is quite small however, and it's dead, my favorite kind!
Our employee found the Iguana and is also Dylan's pet, she's enjoying a belly rub in the one picture.
Dylan named her "Liz," and she's super cute and has NOT bit me!!

The inventor of more work....

Before and after pics of the porch.
Evidently Billy thought there was something missing in the before picture, him with a trowel in his hand??!!
That's right, he couldn't stand to be almost done with the stucco!

Here are my boys hard at work...that's Dylan on the backhoe bringing mud to daddy!
(And I thought Panamanian labor was cheap, Dylan only made 5 buck that day!)


This plant grows wild all over the property and is in bloom now.

I'm not telling....

Can you guess??

Lounging.... boys!

Billy's green thumb...

Upper left: Yuca (aprox 30)
Lower left: Sugar Cane (aprox 15)
Lower left: Plantain (aprox 50)

Billy is loving this gardening...
I'm wondering if there's something he's not telling me,
like perhaps he wants to be self sustaining on this island??
Earlier this week he just planted 100 bananas!

(Maybe I should post our GPS location in case the land bridge mysteriously washes out!)
I know what your thinking....

A friend of mine told me to put some new things on my blog,
he's probably sorry now!
(Just so you know Jim, this doesn't get you out of stopping by!)

Ok, picture 1 (upper left corner) is a seed that the
indigenous people of Panama use as a hair brush.

Picture 2 (in the middle) is another seed that I just thought looked cool, the bowl it's in is more interesting however.  Dylan made it from a gourd he found here on the property!

Picture 3 (bottom right) is a cute seed, and that's all I know about it! It opened up like that right on the tree!

Orchid in bloom

The Japanese Lady's Slipper

Before and after kitchen cabinets.

I have completed the last BIG project for the interior of the house!

All I can say is thankfully the house is small!
Though it's taken nearly 5 months to come this far,
I can clean it in no time at all baby!

Construction Break!!

Well for the sanity of myself, and those around me,
I HAD to take a construction braek and get
So, I made a dress.
It was quick and easy
and I thought I deserved it!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

The great catches...

Dylan: 85lb Rooster Tracy: 12lb Mahi-Mahi Billy: 250+lb Marlin
(Ok, so I've got to "catch" up with the boys, but I'm working on it!!)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Did you know that Vanilla is an orchid??

Now you know!

Vanilla is an orchid and we've recently harvested aprox. 200 from the wild and planted them on our property. (Evidently, you can never have enough.) Bill says a few more truck loads should do it...I guess we're Vanilla farmers now.

Does anyone have a recepie for Vanilla and Pineapple???

The man with the most pineapple wins...?

Billy doesn't do anything small....2,500 pineapple later!

Person, place or thing!!??

It's a Stinkhorn Mushroom! never know what you'll stumble across when walking the property!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Other Visitors:
White Faced Capuchin Monkeys
Although we've seen them here on the property before, never have they been close enough to the house to grab the camera!! Hopefully this means they are getting used to our presence and sightings will be more frequent!


Here are a few that are in bloom now:

Our first trip to Alouatta Lodge
July 2010
Yes, the Howler Monkeys are very friendly!
I was a bit surprised, as you can see!
Alouatta Lodge is a beautiful place,
however, if you'd rather not have monkeys crawling on you,
stay home!