Sunday, August 29, 2010

Creatures of the week!!

The snake, a Boa Constrictor was found on the property and is now Dylan's pet.
(I've actually heard Billy say many times that there are no snakes on this island...this makes about the 5th one we've seen, must be that land bridge!)
Personally I don't mind snakes, (this guy is the first one that has ever bit me)
however I do not care at all for that spider!
 It's called a "Whip Tail Spider" and I've seen more than I want to. 
The one pictured is quite small however, and it's dead, my favorite kind!
Our employee found the Iguana and is also Dylan's pet, she's enjoying a belly rub in the one picture.
Dylan named her "Liz," and she's super cute and has NOT bit me!!

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