Tuesday, October 12, 2010

 Beautiful tree in bloom on our property.

 A leaf or a moth...?
It's a moth, am not so bored as to be taking pics of leaves yet!
(Although I do have some that will make remarkable pictures...of course!)

Remember Mickey the mouse opossum?
(That's him in the top picture)
Anyway...here's another!
It's a sad story of how she was captured, so if you don't like sad stories, scroll down to the next picture.
The story is:
We recently set a "live" mouse trap to catch food for the Boa
by placing a five gallon bucket with some food scraps inside.
They can get in, but they can't get out.
In theory this works well, if you place the bucket somewhere that rain water doesn't fill the trap.

In the morning I had forgotten about the bucket until I saw Pepe La Pew curiously checking it out...
Inside I found a mouse and a momma mouse opossum.

Mouse opossums are marsupial, meaning that they bear premature young and carry them while they develop,
You know where I'm going with this right...?

Well anyway, we set momma free to hopefully go make more babies...
We enjoy their presence on our property, they're not destructive like mice.
Besides the fact they're cute with those big eyes and ears and their prehensile tails!

Oh...and the snake enjoyed his breakfast of fresh mouse...
and I enjoyed being rid of another one of those little varments!

See the bird....?
Well I don't either.
But, a funny story goes to this picture.
We all love birds around here and any time a new one is spotted it's a big deal!
There's usually a bunch of running around, quieting dogs and gathering camera equipment...
Well, I was painting on the front porch and I thought Dylan was getting in the shower.
Well, he must have looked out the window and spotted this (leaf).
All I know is here he comes running around the side of the house
buck naked
"Mom, you've GOT to come see this bird, it's the coolest ever!"
So I follow, trying to keep up with his (cute) and naked little butt,
retreive my camera, snap a picture quickly before it flys away...
Oh, that's right, leaves don't fly.
Anyhow, a better picture would have been my "not so modest" son running around in his birthday suit!

And yes, if he sees this post there'll be hell to pay!

No explanation needed here...

Other than that, we're still busy working on the house.
Billy's getting close to completing exterior painting while I follow behind cutting in and faux finishing.
After that, we will tile the front porch and put up ceiling fans.
If we decide to do an outdoor kitchen on the back porch, that will be the final project on the house,
then we'll be done...?

Next week we go to Panama City to tie up our immigration paper work.
I'm NOT looking forward to it at all, and Billy keeps promising me that this is the last trip,
but I've heard that before!
Actually, if it wasn't for the government making a mistake with the spelling of Dylan's name,
we wouldn't be making this trip at all!
Panama and it's paper work...I've never seen anything like it!!

Well, I'm off to feed my humming birds...
a couple of their feeders are empty and they know who feeds them.
So, if I don't hurry up and tend to them it's likely I'll get attacked!!
A minute ago, one flew between the monitor of my computer and my face,
a little close for my comfort!!

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