Tuesday, October 12, 2010

While I was chasing monkeys,
the boys had their fun with some bees!

A couple of weeks ago, our employee was hacking down the weeds on either side of our 1km driveway and left this area about 30' long untouched.
Evidently, he doesn't like bees.
The reason he avoided this area was because of a hive he'd discovered.

Well, it just so happens that our great friend is a bee keeper, of sorts.
Actually, Jim knows a little bit about everything,
and if you can believe it,
he just happed to have the full bee keeper 'get-up'on his sailboat!

Anyway, he cut out the hive from an old fence post and moved it to a temporary home...the flowerpot.
Eventually if it takes, he will bring over a real home for them.

So, thanks to Jim!
He's saving the planet one bee at a time!

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