Saturday, November 6, 2010

Flying Monkeys!!

This was a great day for me!

The boys were out fishing
and I was home preparing to paint when I heard the chatter of...
I grabbed my camera and ran!
It was high tide so instead of coming down from the trees
to walk across, they took a flying leap!
(Look at that poor guy, with his eyes closed it looks like he's saying a prayer!)
I don't know how many crossed before I arrived, but I caught 5 on film.
There were at least 2 more to cross, however the others chiding for them
was obviously not encouraging enough to convince them to take the plunge while I was waiting!
(I had to tend to my crazy dogs barking on another part of the property.
I'll touch on that in another post...)



This guy was waiting on the others

and obviously annoyed at me
knowing I had the troop nervous.

Monkey Facts:
Adults reach a length of between 13.2" and 17.8", excluding tail, and a weight of up to 8.6 lb. The tail is longer than the body, at up to 21.7" in length. Males are about 27% larger than females. The brain of a White-faced Capuchin is about 2.79 oz, which is larger than that of several larger monkey species, such as the Mantled Howler.

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