Sunday, March 27, 2011

Trip to the fair!

We went to the fair Saturday...

There was something fun for everyone...
My favorite: Cowboys dancing with their horses!
I've never seen anything like it before!

The boys on the other hand enjoyed the bumper cars...
We gave them a 20 and said have fun,
we'll be waiting over there having a beer.
They never got out of the car except to change drivers...
for like 40 minutes!
(They didn't know I was hiding out taking pictures,
because as you know it wouldn't be cool for mom to know they were having that much fun!
Just look at those smiles!!)

There was agriculture,
horseback riding, food, cotton candy, BEER!

Even Pepe got a prize from the fair!
Momma bought him a new monkey!

1 comment:

  1. Wait.......Whats he doing to that monkey? Just kidding, Its amazing how big the kids are getting, looks like a good time.
