Thursday, March 31, 2011

Truly Wilderness

More Snakes!
Our first encounter with the Rainbow Boa!
It was hard to get him in just the right light to show off his colors,
especially for Dylan who's patients were wearing thin waiting!

As a rule, when we come across a non-poisonous snakes we let them go.
If they're big enough to eat Pepe, we remove them from the island.
However, it was too late for this giant boa...
Billy was working on the backhoe and dug him up.
I don't feel too bad though, I think he could have eaten me!

I was checking on the Oropendolas the other day & could hear the babies!
Again, here's the male doing his dance!

Some things can't get enough water!
The bowl on the right is the dogs water bowl,
which used to look like the bowl on the left!
The poor bees are so thirsty, but so are my dogs!
So, until the rains come back I water the bees also!
(The brown fabric is placed just below the water line so the bees don't drown!)

The last time I checked the nest, all was well.
The next day, Billy saw the babies fly away.
I can't believe I missed it!

Speaking of flying away...
I was sitting on the porch getting ready to take a picture of these birds hanging out in the trees...
Well, like clock work, Pepe saw me lift the camera and off he went!
This is why I lock him up in the house when I set out to take any kind of decent pictures!

I don't know what these things are, but I do know they're dead now.!
(Way to close to my bedroom window!)

My 6:ish a.m. bird walk
PS: The bird(s) in the pics on the bottom right are Amazon Parrots,
just like my new little baby!

Look at this beautiful bird in the tree!
Oh, that's Lucy!
She likes to go for walks with me too!
(Don't tell daddy, but she really loves the orchids!)

Well, that's about it!
I do so much love living here!
I know it's not for everyone,
but I can't imagine being anywhere more beautiful!

"Wilderness to human kind is a spiritual necessity, an antidote to the high pressure of modern life, a means of regaining serenity and equilibrium."

— Sigurd Olson, conservationist, author and member of The Wilderness Society Council

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those are some great pictures. Everything looks beautiful.
