Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Road Block!

Usually I watch for tree branches on Panamanian roads...
instead of bright orange cones (like in the US)....
when there is something going on on the road ahead of my vehicle...
but I had no warning on this female horse in heat,
Ok, sorry

All I have to say, that is if a dog and a horse wanna be friendly
and that's all I have to worry about in my goings between here and there,
then I conside myself lucky!!

Good day!
Buenas Dias!

All our babies!

Well, here we all are...
except the photographer, my dear hubby!
Dylan has the snake,
I have everything else besides the BIG dog!
I've been wanting to do this with the whole family but after trying it
I'm pretty sure the camera's timer wouldn't have worked well...
As you can see
it was nearly impossibly to gret everyone to prepare for the pic.

Lucy was so nervous with the bunny in my arms and the snake in Dylan's,
all she wanted to do is give kisses.
And every time Billy called the dogs to get their attention,
they just ran to him...

It was interesting to say the least!
My camera kept running out of memory
and Billy was running out of patients!

Look at how big my son is!

The (juvenile) Mangrove Black Hawk

(press play to watch slide show, and the little red arrows for full screen)
Yep, just trying to get some more painting done
when the dogs started going crazy...
I thought it was the monkeys,
but instead it was a baby Mangrove Black Hawk.

(Good thing I don't have any deadlines!)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Taking a breather!

So I worked on some painting...
Here are some before and after pics of the columns, thank goodness there were only 3!
Billy does love his specialty work!

I shared my Saturday morning coffee with the humming birds and my beloved camera...
It seems to me that these little buggers are getting very well rounded!

While I was enjoying my coffee, Dylan and his buddy Jared fixed breakfast,
"Mexican Breakfast Burritos."
I can't begin to tell you how good the were,
or how big the mess I had to clean up behind them was!
Bravo boys, and thanks again! 

Saturday, we took the boys to the beach in Istana.
It was one of the nicer days we've had lately and it held out just long enough to wear out the kids!!
They had a good time on the body and skim  boards,
that's Dylan in the bottom right picture catching a nice ride and waving at the camera.

I got to do some beach combing, which was a long time coming.
while Billy played in the surf with Dyaln and Jared.
After the adults were wore out, we sat back on the beach and enjoyed a few beers!

On the way home from the beach, we collected some orchids.
Along with the typical ones I like to collect,
Billy found some more vanilla, enough to start about 20 more plants.

Today, Sunday, I spent the morning hanging the orchids we found,
not the vanilla though, there is a science to that that I'll leave all to my dear hubby!
I also spent some much enjoyed time working on my garden...
a small area of the property that I've claimed in which my lonely hammock awaits!

This afternoon we took our friends Jim and Kandall for a "Thankyou" lunch/dinner.
(For being kind enough to watch over our critters while we were in the big city)
We went out to the island of Boca Brava, but the kitchen was closed...?
Anyway, back to the mainland we went and ate at Seagull Cove Lodge.
Another great day to cap off the weekend was appreciated by all!

So, that's it folks!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

There's no place like home,
there's no place like home...

Well, I survived one more trip to Panama City!
Thank goodness it' the last one, ha ha ha.
The next time I have to go, I better be getting on a plane for a trip to the states!

The drive went well, Billy actually made it both ways without being stopped for speeding,
a miracle!
Actually the best part of the trip is the drive, what a beautiful country we live in!

Our residency is complete, for real this time!
Everyone's name was spelled properly and we'll be able to pick up our carnet mid November...
in DAVID! Yay!

 I did take my camera, but never had the opportintity to snap and photos.
It's too bad though, I saw my first sloth in the wild!
We stayed somwhere new this time...
Casa Real, $90 per night.
It's a bed and breakfast and is 1 block away from the Multiplaza Pacific Mall.
The mall is awesome and has tons of great stores:
Naturalizer, Columbia,Nine West,Tommy Hilfiger,
Kenneth Cole, Calvin Klein, Liz Claiborne, Addidas
Anne Klein, Lacoste, Nautica, Guess, Xoxo, Perry Ellis...
Oh, sorry! I do love my shopping!
Anyhow, there is also the Cenepolis Movie Theatre and we went to see
"Grown Ups."
Funny movie! We all laughed pretty hard!

Oh, and thanks to my great friend Kendall for watching
all my critters while we were gone!
It meant so much to me knowing she was here
and happy to do it!
You're the best Kandall!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I'm having a hard time here today...
I'm supposed to be painting but the camera comes first!

Here are my boys taking their first swim from our shore.
Besides the fact that it's not overly simple
to climb down the bank to reach the waters edge yet,
I'm clueless as to why this is their first time!
On the other hand, I can clearly tell you why I haven't...
and in 2 different ways!

1: Can you see their toes???

2: I'm a Florida girl, therefore I may be learning about earthquakes,
but I know all I need to know about crocks, or their likeness!

I've GOT to get back to work now!
Hopefully I can make it through the rest of what is left of this afternoon without having to post something else!!


My little doggies sniffed out these,
3 little monkeys in the trees!
Click the "Read More" link below to view more pics...

While I was chasing monkeys,
the boys had their fun with some bees!

A couple of weeks ago, our employee was hacking down the weeds on either side of our 1km driveway and left this area about 30' long untouched.
Evidently, he doesn't like bees.
The reason he avoided this area was because of a hive he'd discovered.

Well, it just so happens that our great friend is a bee keeper, of sorts.
Actually, Jim knows a little bit about everything,
and if you can believe it,
he just happed to have the full bee keeper 'get-up'on his sailboat!

Anyway, he cut out the hive from an old fence post and moved it to a temporary home...the flowerpot.
Eventually if it takes, he will bring over a real home for them.

So, thanks to Jim!
He's saving the planet one bee at a time!

 Beautiful tree in bloom on our property.

 A leaf or a moth...?
It's a moth, am not so bored as to be taking pics of leaves yet!
(Although I do have some that will make remarkable pictures...of course!)

Remember Mickey the mouse opossum?
(That's him in the top picture)'s another!
It's a sad story of how she was captured, so if you don't like sad stories, scroll down to the next picture.
The story is:
We recently set a "live" mouse trap to catch food for the Boa
by placing a five gallon bucket with some food scraps inside.
They can get in, but they can't get out.
In theory this works well, if you place the bucket somewhere that rain water doesn't fill the trap.

In the morning I had forgotten about the bucket until I saw Pepe La Pew curiously checking it out...
Inside I found a mouse and a momma mouse opossum.

Mouse opossums are marsupial, meaning that they bear premature young and carry them while they develop,
You know where I'm going with this right...?

Well anyway, we set momma free to hopefully go make more babies...
We enjoy their presence on our property, they're not destructive like mice.
Besides the fact they're cute with those big eyes and ears and their prehensile tails!

Oh...and the snake enjoyed his breakfast of fresh mouse...
and I enjoyed being rid of another one of those little varments!

See the bird....?
Well I don't either.
But, a funny story goes to this picture.
We all love birds around here and any time a new one is spotted it's a big deal!
There's usually a bunch of running around, quieting dogs and gathering camera equipment...
Well, I was painting on the front porch and I thought Dylan was getting in the shower.
Well, he must have looked out the window and spotted this (leaf).
All I know is here he comes running around the side of the house
buck naked
"Mom, you've GOT to come see this bird, it's the coolest ever!"
So I follow, trying to keep up with his (cute) and naked little butt,
retreive my camera, snap a picture quickly before it flys away...
Oh, that's right, leaves don't fly.
Anyhow, a better picture would have been my "not so modest" son running around in his birthday suit!

And yes, if he sees this post there'll be hell to pay!

No explanation needed here...

Other than that, we're still busy working on the house.
Billy's getting close to completing exterior painting while I follow behind cutting in and faux finishing.
After that, we will tile the front porch and put up ceiling fans.
If we decide to do an outdoor kitchen on the back porch, that will be the final project on the house,
then we'll be done...?

Next week we go to Panama City to tie up our immigration paper work.
I'm NOT looking forward to it at all, and Billy keeps promising me that this is the last trip,
but I've heard that before!
Actually, if it wasn't for the government making a mistake with the spelling of Dylan's name,
we wouldn't be making this trip at all!
Panama and it's paper work...I've never seen anything like it!!

Well, I'm off to feed my humming birds...
a couple of their feeders are empty and they know who feeds them.
So, if I don't hurry up and tend to them it's likely I'll get attacked!!
A minute ago, one flew between the monitor of my computer and my face,
a little close for my comfort!!
Ok, more animal pics...
Dylan walking the bunny...
Momma snuggling the bunny.
(She's soo cute, how can I possibly resist??)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

An update on the fishing trip...
If Billy had it his way, he'd have me remove the post announcing the whole thing!
In case you don't already know it was a bust.
A 48 hour trip only lasted 12...
My poor boys! Better luck next time!

We recently celebrated our 12th anniversary!
Life is good!

Monday, October 4, 2010

And they're off...

Yesterday the boys spent the day gearing up for their big over night fishing trip.
That's right folks, peace and quiet for me for 2 days!
They left at 5:05 this morning and as long as the weather holds out for them,
I wont see them until tomorrow eve.
The map above shows a red pin, that's out property, and the red line shows their destination:
Isla Montuosa....Marlin grounds!

They'll be a long way from home and I hope everyone joins me in a little prayer for their safety.

I think I'm going to surprise my hubby and do a little exterior painting for him.
I nearly had to force him to take this trip, he feels guilty having fun when there's work to be done...
But that's why we live here, right!!??

Anyhow, I sure hope they come with some great things to post...